Occult Theories by Anonymous

Thanks to YouGov

Title: Occult Theories

Author: Anonymous (Marissa Fittes)

Publisher: privately printed in Kent

Source book: The Empty Grave by Jonathan Stroud (Lockwood & Co #5)

Only three copies of Occult Theories, reliably considered to have been written by Marissa Fittes, are known. One copy is in the Black Library at Fittes House, one is owned by the sinister Orpheus Society, and the last is held by the Spiritualist Society in Greenwich. As he can’t access the first two, George hopes the Spiritualist Society will allow him to consult their copy of this rare book.

Well done George, his theories are absolutely correct.

Also mentioned is Dark London, an Interim Cartography which Lockwood & Co find in the Orpheus Society library, and a printed pamphlet with the text of Lockwood’s parents’ final lecture: the lecture they never delivered because they were killed in a tragic accident. (Or was it indeed an accident?) Ghost Lore among the Tribes of New Guinea and West Sumatra, A Presentation given to the members of the Orpheus Society by Celia and Donald Lockwood. Poor Mr and Mrs Lockwood, because their theories were absolutely correct too.

Thanks to Pacific Standard 
