The Necrotelicomnicon by Achmed the Mad

Hunting, Shooting, Fishing by John Emms thanks to Mutual Art

Title: The Necrotelicomnicon

Author: Achmed the Mad

Publisher: not known

Source book: Moving Pictures by Terry Pratchett (Discworld #10)

The Necrotelicomnicon was written by a Klatchian necromancer known as Achmed the Mad, although he preferred to be called Achmed the I Just Get These Headaches. It appears to be a source of useful information about the forgotten magic in Holy Wood. At least, that’s what the Librarian finds when he manages to unlock the book and wrestle it open.

Achmed was also the author of Achmed the I Just Get These Headaches’s Book of Humorous Cat Stories.

Student wizard Victor Tugelbend has a battered copy of the Necrotelicomnicom Discussed for Students, with Practical Experiments but maybe he won’t need it now that he has become the big star Victor Maraschino in the clicks.

Also mentioned in Moving Pictures are The Octavo

The Bumper Fun Grimoire which is keen on deadly practical jokes; 

The Joy of Tantric Sex which has to be kept under ice water; and 

Wellcome to Ankh-Morporke, Citie of One Thousand Surprises which now has an entire section entitled “Soe you’re a  Barbaeriean Invader?” Which has notes on night life, folklorique bargains in the bazaar and, under the heading “Steppe-ing Out”, a list of restaurants that do a reliable mares’ milk and yak pudding.

And finally, Adventures with Crossbow and Rod, which the Archchancellor brings for the Bursar to read while he’s in the sanatorium.

Found on Pinterest 
