An eight-legged Traveller in English Hedgerows by Webley Spinner

Thanks to Getty Images/Country Living Magazine 

Title: An eight-legged Traveller in English Hedgerows 

Author: Webley Spinner 

Publisher: Not known 

Source book: Miss Bunting by Angela Thirkell (Barsetshire #14)

Improbable as it may seem, Miss Bunting, a novel about an elderly governess, features a book for and about spiders. Yes, Webley Spinner is a spider author, and his latest opus (in spider language - natch) appears to be An eight-legged Traveller in English Hedgerows

Jane Gresham can’t stop staring at a spider when Mr Adams gives her the longed for news that her prisoner of war husband will be on his way home soon. The spider she stares at is reading a review of An eight-legged Traveller, not the book itself.

A spider style travel book?

And in other matters, spider webs are amazing aren’t they?

Thanks to New Statesman 
