Fatherly Love by Clare Quilty

Thanks to Britannica 

Title: Fatherly Love

Author: Clare Quilty

Publisher: Not known 

Source book: Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov 

Humbert Humbert is looking at his rival Clare Quilty’s entry in Who’s Who and finds Quilty has written Fatherly Love, and The Little Nymph.

Ages ago (the baby I was helping to look after at the time is now all grown up with three children of her own) I did try to read Lolita, and it’s not a long book, but I was quite unable to struggle on to the end. So I found these fictitious books on the internet. I probably won’t try again. But of course Lolita is entirely about Humbert Humbert’s creepy passion for his young step-daughter.

More books by Clare Quilty are Dark Age, The Strange Mushroom, The Enchanted Hunters, The Lady Who Loved Lightning (in collaboration with Vivian Darkbloom) Also mentioned are My Cue by Vivian Darkbloom on his or her own, Do the Senses Make Sense? by John Ray Jr and Bagration Island by Melanie Weiss.

Thanks to AHDB
