Passion’s Plaything by Marjorie J Boddice

Thanks to Art UK 
Title: Passion’s Plaything

Author: Marjorie J Boddice 

Publisher: Not known 

Source book: Wintersmith by Terry Pratchett (Discworld #35)

While Tiffany Aching is staying with Nanny Ogg she comes across Passion’s Plaything by Marjorie J Boddice. 

‘Gods and Men said their love was not to be, but they would not listen!! A tortured tale of a tempestuous romance by the author of Surrendered Hearts!!!’ The cover shows, up close, a young woman with dark hair and clothes that are a bit on the skimpy side in Tiffany’s opinion, both hair and clothes blowing in the wind. A young man on a horse is watching her from some distance away.

When she gets to page 19, Tiffany fetches The Unexpurgated Dictionary from Nanny Ogg’s bookshelf.

Tiffany isn’t terribly impressed. She has grown up on a sheep farm and can tell that Marjorie J Boddice doesn’t know anything about farming. It seems to be summer but there’s no mention of shearing the sheep. And what young woman runs away from a man rich enough to own his own horse? Should Megs marry sulky dark-eyed William, who already owns two and a half cows, or should she be swayed by Roger who calls her “my proud beauty” but is clearly a bad man because he rides a black stallion and has a moustache? 

But, wonders Tiffany, why does Megs think she has to marry either of them? A fascinating read not actually set in any genuine countryside. Go Tiffany!

Frankly, any young man with a moustache who addressed me as “my proud beauty” would see me reaching for my sword. Yes. I have a sword. I expect it’s blunt, but it’s quite scary if you brandish it and could probably inflict serious damage if wielded angrily.

On the other hand, this sounds like a fun book to read in the bath, or perhaps on the loo.

The Little Shepherdess by Francois Boucher
