Eros on Calvary and Other Poems by Jasper Garnette
Wild Chase by Hans von Stuck: thanks to |
Author: Jasper Garnette
Publisher: Not known but the cover is purple suède
Source book: Death in Ecstasy by Ngaio Marsh (Inspector Alleyn #4)
Chief Detective-Inspector Alleyn discovers this slim volume of dubious poetry when searching The House of the Sacred Flame following a murder. In his quarters behind the temple, “Father” Jasper Garnette has a shelf of books including The Koran, Spiritual Experiences of a Fakir, From Wotan to Hitler, The Soul of the Lotus Bud, The Meaning and the Message and Jnana Yoga. When I searched online for these titles I got many results but no actual books. Except (obviously) the Koran, more usually spelled Quran these days. I don’t think Jasper Garnette has very good taste in reading matter.
You can tell that Ngaio Marsh wants you to disapprove of this book of poetry because it is bound in purple suede. Any mention in her books of purple, or mauve, seems to be a sign of bad taste at best, and sinister debauchery at worst.
Also on Jasper Garnette’s bookshelf, but hidden behind the other books and wrapped in brown paper as though it were a volume of pornography, is Abberly’s Curiosities of Chemistry (published by Gasock and Hauptmann, New York, 1865). If held loosely this book opens at a page headed “A little-known method of making sodium cyanide”. Apparently you can make cyanide from wool and washing soda [Really?]. As the murder victim was poisoned with cyanide this is a very damaging discovery.
Jasper Garnette is the charismatic leader of a small, but quite lucrative, religious cult, and seemingly unbeknownst to his business partners is using it as a cover for drug dealing and unpleasant sexual activities. He is also a very bad poet.
One of the characters has a Gerald Brockhurst in his flat: thanks to |