Out With My Flies in All Weathers by Geoffrey Indigo

Thanks to The Thomas J Watson Library “Fisherman's Luck: and Some Other Uncertain Things

Title: Out With My Flies in All Weathers

Author: Mr Geoffrey Indigo

Publisher: Not known 

Source book: Raising Steam by Terry Pratchett (Discworld #40)

Mr Geoffrey Indigo often goes fishing, and at Lake Overshot he fishes for carp. One day the water from the lake bubbles away leaving some gasping fish, startled frogs and a rather attractive nymph. A little while later the water bubbles back in again. Mr Indigo makes a note to report this unusual phenomenon at the next meeting of the Overshot Fishing Society.

When he tells his wife she accuses him of drinking too much brandy and advises him not to tell anybody. After all they might think he’s strange.

Thanks to Amazon.co.U.K.
