The World of Poo by Miss Felicity Beedle

Thanks to Blooloop 

Title: The World of Poo

Author: Miss Felicity Beedle

Publisher: Not known 

Source book: Snuff by Terry Pratchett (Discworld #39)

Miss Felicity Beedle has written numerous books for small children. Young Sam Vimes is a big fan and has laughed his way through WeeThe Wee Wee Men, The War with the Snot Goblins, and Geoffrey and the Land of Poo. In Snuff, Young Sam is giggling his way through The Boy Who Didn’t Know How to Pick His Own Scabs (an absolute hoot for a boy just turned six). Lady Sybil points out that the books are building Young Sam’s vocabulary.

Miss Felicity Beedle has also written Melvin and the Enormous Boil, Geoffrey and the Magic Pillow Case, The Little Duckling Who Thought He Was an Elephant, Daphne and the Nose Pickers and Gaston’s Enormous Problem; for which Miss Beedle won the Gladys HJ Ferguson award (for the fifth time). There’s also The Joy of Earwax but I have only seen this mentioned on the back cover of the IRL edition of The World of Poo.

Lady Sybil produces a new book for Sam Vimes to read to his son. It’s called The World of Poo. It’s full of things to make little boys like Young Sam laugh until they’re nearly sick, but also has a lot of interesting stuff about septic tanks, dunnakin divers and gongfermors and how much dog muck made the best leather and other things that you never thought you needed to know but somehow would lodge in your mind.

I once saw a pile of cuddly poo emojis for sale at a service station. Gave me a bit of a shock because I am old fashioned enough to expect cuddly animals, but I imagine kids who want a cuddly poo would definitely enjoy Miss Beedle’s books.

Miss Felicity Beedle lives in Apple Tree Cottage very near Lady Sybil Rankin’s country estate and is invited to a dinner party at the big house. She has become quite wealthy and funds scholarships for the Quirm College for Young Ladies. She teaches young goblins to speak Morporkian and encourages them to play the harp. Most people treat goblins as vermin.

The World of Poo has become a book in real life (by Terry Pratchett) but what about Geoffrey and the Magic Pillow Case though?

And don’t forget Young Sam’s first book; the fabulous Where’s My Cow? (see separate post).

Thanks to DeviantArt
