Demonylogie Malyfycorum of Henchanse the Unsatysfactory

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Title: Demonylogie Malyfycorum 

Author: Henchanse the Unsatysfactory

Publisher: not known 

Source book: Equal Rites by Terry Pratchett (Discworld #3)

Equal Rites is one of the early Discworld books, so the world and the people who live on it are not yet fully formed. And the fictional books we discover in the library of Unseen University lack a little something in the naming department. They sound more like real magical books, or books purporting to be magical, which is to say… anyhow not really worthy of peak Discworld.

However, we find Eskarina in the library looking at (she can’t read) a copy of the Demonylogie Malyfycorum of Henchanse the Unsatysfactory. Simon warns her that if you aren’t careful this kind of book will start reading you.

Also mentioned is the Liber Paginarum Fulvarum, also known as the Necrotelecomnicon, which apparently once absorbed a wizard who let his mind wander. Let’s just say that next morning the book had a lot more pages than before and the wizard was nowhere to be found. 

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