The Suddenly Book by Donald (surname unknown)

Thanks to The Times

Title: The Suddenly Book 

Author: Donald (surname unknown)

Publisher: possibly never finished 

Source book: Birds Beasts and Relatives by Gerald Durrell

Larry’s friends Donald and Max turn up at the villa at two o’clock in the morning, in a horse drawn taxi. They are singing loudly and untunefully, but with great panache, a song from The Maid of the Mountains. They are extremely drunk. The horse is very tired indeed, poor thing. Donald has an exciting idea for a book, an avant garde idea he wants to discuss with Larry at once, before the creative urge has left him.

The text of the proposed book is (so far) as follows: Suddenly, suddenly, suddenly, suddenly there he was and then, suddenly, there she was, suddenly, suddenly, suddenly. And suddenly he looked at her, suddenly, suddenly, suddenly, and she suddenly looked at him, suddenly. She suddenly opened her arms, suddenly, suddenly, and he opened his arms, suddenly. Then suddenly they came together and suddenly, suddenly, suddenly, he could feel the warmth of her body and suddenly, suddenly she could feel the warmth of his mouth on hers as they suddenly, suddenly, suddenly, suddenly fell on the couch together. [That was really quite hard to type].

‘I thought,’ said Donald, owlishly, ‘I thought I would call it THE SUDDENLY BOOK.’

Is it Donald’s destiny to become a published author. Who can say.

Thanks to Greeka 
