Unicorn-Calling for Pleasure & Profit by JR Hartley

Thanks to The Guardian 

Title: Unicorn-Calling for Pleasure & Profit

Author: JR Hartley 

Publisher: not known 

Source book: The Portable Door by Tom Holt

Anyone old enough to remember the Yellow Pages (which was a printed telephone directory for businesses) will probably recall that famous fictional book Fly Fishing by JR Hartley. For some reason it caught the public imagination and subsequently became a real book called Fly Fishing by JR Hartley (not written by JR Hartley because of course he was a fictional character from a commercial).

When Paul and Sophie, heroes of Tom Holt’s fantasy novel The Portable Door, are tasked with tidying the strong room at JW Wells & Co they discover Mr Hartley did not confine himself to fishing. He also wrote this handy how-to book: Unicorn-Calling for Pleasure & Profit. Who knew unicorn-calling was a thing?

Also in the strong room, Paul and Sophie find a handwritten manuscript of Le Jardin du Diable, un roman de Marcel Proust; five or six doll’s-house-sized books with titles like Lilliput On $2 A Day; and Bartholomew’s Road Atlas of Oz which only has one page, with a yellow line smack down the middle.

Thanks to Grunge.com
