The Jurisfiction Chronicles by Thursday Next

Thanks to ISO
Title: The Jurisfiction Chronicles 

Author: Thursday Next 

Publisher: Not known 

Source book: The Well of Lost Plots by Jasper Fforde 

Oh my goodness. Thursday has enough in her life already before she takes on a career in Jurisfiction. She has suffered plenty of peril in real life but wasn’t expecting peril in the BookWorld. But, she finds herself forcibly married in Shadow the Sheepdog by Enid Blyton; has to escape an unprecedented emergency by using her Eject-O-Hat (which fails); and she and Miss Haversham are attacked in Wuthering Heights by a ProCath group (supporters of young Catherine and haters of Heathcliff) with machine guns. 

And then there’s Big Martin (don’t ask…).

Of course you can read Thursday’s adventures in Jurisfiction in Jasper Fforde’s books, but the characters in her universe cannot. Hence this incident-packed autobiography. 

The Chronicles provide us with more detail on her, rather dodgy, involvement in altering the end of Jane Eyre. Originally Jane went off to India with the drippy St. John Rivers. Thanks to Thursday’s intervention, Jane marries Edward Rochester. For further details see A Life in SpecOps by Thursday.

The Jurisfiction Chronicles also feature in Lost in a Good Book, with an excerpt about the Cheshire Cat, and another about Thursday’s book-jumping prowess. She wasn’t very good at it when she first started.

Thanks to Britannica 
