Thursday Next - A Biography by Millon de Floss

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Title: Thursday Next - A Biography 

Author: Millon de Floss

Publisher: Not known 

Source book: The Eyre Affair by Jasper Fforde (Thursday Next #1)

Millon de Floss is Thursday Next’s official stalker. He writes for Conspiracy Theorist magazine and negotiates his way to becoming Thursday’s official biographer by agreeing to go with her to the old Goliath bioengineering labs: “Area 21”.

Also by Millon de Floss in The Thursday Next Chronicles; A Short History of the Special Operations Network plus a revised edition, Life after Death for Felix Tabularasa, and Enid Blyton (Thursday has to ensure that Shadow the Sheepdog regains his sight as part of her Jurisfiction exam).

Millon de Floss has also written the Thursday Next Casebook in at least 6 volumes.

Of course, you don’t need to buy Millon’s book about Thursday. You can read Jasper Fforde’s books about her instead.

Thanks to The Fact Site
