Herbs of Grace by Victoria, Lady Norton

Title: Herbs of Grace

Author: Victoria, Lady Norton

Publisher: Self published 

Source book: County Chronicle by Angela Thirkell (Barsetshire #19)

Lady Norton is a rich old lady who bullies all her friends and neighbours. Everyone seems to be afraid of her, except her masterful daughter-in-law, and nobody admits to liking her, but she seems to be invited to all the big social events in the county.

Her only known interest is gardening and she thinks herself the best gardener in the county (although presumably she employs gardeners to do the actual gardening). So she writes, or perhaps collates a book called Herbs of Grace. Lady Emily Leslie, who we first encounter in Wild Strawberries, who is remarkably annoying in her own right, but universally loved just the same, describes the book as “quite dreadful”. She finds it annoying because it’s not even about herbs. It’s just snippets about gardens, and so many misprints, says Lady Emily. 

Lady Norton failed to find a publisher and had to pay £100 to get it published privately. I dare say she was quite annoyed about that.

Lady Norton has also written Along My Borders (see Peace Breaks Out). More about gardening. Probably.

Herbs of Grace should of course never be confused with The Herb of Grace by Elizabeth Goudge.

Roses from my own garden 
