A Foreigner in Finland by Dean Josiah Crawley

Thanks to Royal Caribbean 
Title: A Foreigner in Finland

Author: Josiah Crawley, Dean of Barchester Cathedral

Publisher: Not known

Source book: The Duke's Daughter by Angela Thirkell (Barsetshire #20)

The Dean and Mrs Crawley went on a cruise to Finland, and the Northern capitals (I'm pretty sure the Northern capitals were included) some time in the 1930s, and the Dean bored everybody rigid at every single dinner party he ever attended afterwards, telling anyone who would even pretend to listen about his impressions of the Baltic... until finally he wrote this book. We must suppose that writing the book got all the stories out of his system.

So quite a lot of his friends and relations mention the book. Presumably in the hope that we will buy it. I am not convinced that visiting a place in a cruise ship qualifies as being ‘in’ a place. But never mind.

I once met a couple who had visited Finland in a heatwave. They struggled to talk about anything else. I think their marriage was breaking down. But maybe Finland is simply that fascinating. It does look pretty.
