First Flights in Witchcraft by Letice Earwig

Thanks to Irish Archaeology 
Title: First Flights in Witchcraft 

Author: Letice Earwig 

Publisher: Not known 

Source book: Wintersmith by Terry Pratchett

At the beginning of Wintersmith, Tiffany Aching tells Granny Weatherwax that Mrs Earwig has written a new book. Granny doesn’t believe you can become a witch by reading books but Mrs Earwig thinks you can become one by going shopping. Or perhaps by reading an instruction manual. We don’t know if First Flights in Witchcraft gives instructions on how to manage your broomstick, or if it’s a more general book about becoming a witch.

Also featured in Wintersmith Magavenatio Obtusis (Witch Hunting for Dumb People) by Miss Perspicacia Tick. Miss Tick has written a book advising witch hunters what to do if they actually catch a witch. For example, lock her up in a warm room overnight and give her as much soup as possible (but not tomato soup which I suspect Miss Tick doesn’t like). In the morning wake her gently with a cup of tea and perhaps a chocolate biscuit. Only then should you tie her up using No:1 Bosun’s knots and throw her in your local pond or river. If these instructions are followed the average witch should spend a restful night and be able to escape relatively easily the next morning.

Miss Treason, a very elderly witch, has several shelves of books including An Encyclopaedia of Soup, a dictionary and Chaffinch’s Ancient and Classical Mythology.

And Roland, heir to the Baron, has a library of more than 100 books! He owns Waspmire’s Book of Unusual Days; Crumberry’s Why Things Are Not Otherwise; and all but one of the volumes of the Ominous Encyclopaedia. Also Sieges and Survival by the famous General Callus Tacticus (who invented tactics).
