Shop Windows by Jacob Hunt

Thanks to UK Productions 
Title: Shop Windows 

Author: Jacob Hunt

Publisher: Not known 

Source book: Overture to Death by Ngaio Marsh (Inspector Alleyn #8)

At the beginning of Overture to Death the characters sit down to choose a play for an amateur performance. They consider Simple Susan in which Lord Sylvester pretends to be his own tailor and proposes to Lady Maude thinking she is her own lady’s maid. Miss Prentice thinks it amusing and original.

They also mention Ici on Parle Français and The Private Secretary both of which are real plays, before moving on to Shop Windows at the suggestion of Mrs Selia Ross, who is described as “luxuriously gloved” so we know what to think about her.

Shop Windows has suitable parts for all our characters, including The General, The Duchess and the Duchess’s sister Gertrude (Jocelyn Jernigham - the Squire; his cousin Miss Prentice; and the dreadful Miss Campanula). Dinah and Henry both saw the London production, as I suspect did Mrs Ross although she doesn’t say so, and Dr Templett has read the text. Their enthusiasm overcomes the opposition of the Simple Susan advocates.

The performance of Shop Windows is intended to fund a new piano for the Young People’s Friendly Circle. Unfortunately because of a murder the performance never takes place. The church hall was full but I wonder if the YPFC felt it necessary to give the ticket price back. Needless to say, the victim is one of our amateur actors, as is the murderer. 

Oddly enough, while I am usually very quick to spot fictional books I had never considered that Ngaio Marsh would go to the trouble of inventing this play for her dreadful characters to act in. I really have no idea why. There’s so much detail about the play, particularly the comedic moments (which don’t sound terribly funny), I suppose it was a lot less effort to concoct her own play and not bother about annoying Jacob Hunt if he ever existed. I have looked online and can’t find any reference to the play except in reference to Overture to Death

Thanks to Frome Drama Club
