Watch by the Liffey by Paul Mitchell

Title: Watch by the Liffey

Author: Dr Paul Mitchell 

Publisher: Not known

Source book: The Old Vengeful by Anthony Price

Blurb from the dust jacket: When the last survivors of the 1st Battalion [the Irish Guards] were hanging on to the edge of Zillebeke Wood on the outskirts of Ypres in ‘14 they heard a German band playing “Die Wacht am Rhein”, and one of them said ‘Well, we’ll give the bastards “Watch by the Liffey” in reply’. 

Paul Mitchel is also the author of The Battle of the Ancre and The Breaking of the Hindenburg Line

Ostensibly Paul Mitchell is an author specialising in very detailed accounts of WWI. In fact he is also a member of a little known department of the British secret service: R&D.
The Irish Guards (images borrowed from the internet)
