Cast Me Abroad by Lionel Harvest

Broadcasting House
Broadcasting House
Title: Cast Me Abroad 

Author: Lionel Harvest 

Publisher: Johns & Fairfield  

Source book: Marling Hall by Angela Thirkell (Barsetshire #11)

We first meet Lionel Harvest in Wild Strawberries when David Leslie is auditioning for BBC Radio but laughs so much at the passage from Milton he is reading that the poetry department turns him down flat. Lionel is a rather despising young man at the BBC. Near the end of the book, we learn he has agreed a companionate marriage with Joan Stevenson who also works at the BBC, although in a superior position. Lionel, of course, embroiders divinely. 

Later, in Marling Hall we discover that Mr Harvest has inherited a fortune from his great-uncle, General Harvest, and retired from public life. He therefore has had the time to write Cast Me Abroad; a scathing exposure of Broadcasting House. A little bit like W1A (BBC TV) perhaps, but taking itself considerably more seriously.

Sadly for Mr Harvest, the public wasn’t interested and the book sold only 750 copies.

Broadcasting House Sculpture
Broadcasting House detail (images borrowed from the internet)
